Jan 16, 2012

Get Some Rest!

I apologize for my long absence.  School has just demanded too much of my time.  But I have now graduated and I am ready to start bloggin!

Going along with the start of the new year, I have a New Year's resolution for you.  Just about everyone promises to "get in shape" or " to be more healthy".  But did you know that you can't do either of those successfully unless you get enough sleep?

Yes, getting enough sleep at night can help you lose weight!  Your body has a system of hormones to help you stay fit and healthy.  But when you don't get enough sleep, these hormones can't work properly.  Ghrelin is produced by your body and it stimulates your appetite.  Leptin is also produced and it signals to your brain that you are full.

When your body sleeps it produces leptin and ghrelin levels go down.  If you don't get enough sleep, the opposite happens.  Your body starts to have a hard time signing to your brain "I am full".  This can give you the feeling of never feeling full or satisfied causing you to eat much more food than your body actually needs.

Lack of sleep also puts stress on your body.  Which not only can lead to weight gain, but it could lead to other health problems as well.

So if you have wonderful plans to lose weight this year, make sure that you get enough sleep!  It will keep your body running the way that it should so you can be a lean-mean fat-burning machine!

1 comment:

  1. Katie! This is crazy! Last night when I was the only one in my apartment going to bed at a descent hour I kept thinking if only my roommates knew how important sleep is to your health and beneficial for you! Thank You for posting this! I loved it!
