May 31, 2012


So I've been stuck on a plateau for a few weeks now.  I've been exercising and eating well but the scale has been at a stand still.  But I kept trying my best and I tried not to get too discouraged.  I was seeing results even if the scale didn't show any.  I have gone from only being able to fit into one pair of pre-pregnancy jeans to fitting into most of them!  It's a good feeling when you can wear some jeans that would have been impossible to wear just a month ago.  So I've kept my spirits up knowing that something good must happening... as tempting as it was to give up for an evening or two and just eat whatever I want... since I was working so hard and nothing was happening.  But this morning I am so happy to report that I have lost 3.5 pounds since last week!  It's finally paying off!

So just know that if you feel like you are working hard and you aren't seeing the results... put away the scale for a week or two.  Just pay attention to how your clothes are fitting.  Measure your inches once a week and track your progress there.  Whatever you do, don't give up and keep working hard.  It will finally pay off!


  1. Hi! I follow your blog when I can. I live in TX and someone suggested your blog a couple of years ago as I had a daughter that was headed to BYUI and you reported several of the free fitness options offered there. Now she is mid-way through her sophmore year there. Now several of the kids from our ward have also been given your blog as inspiration. :) I am also on a weightloss journey. I'm 52 and have a LONG way to go. But I take it day by day. Yesterday was my husbands 54th B-day and our daughters made his favorite dinner; chicken AND beef enchiladas, beens w cheese, guacamole & chips, and a double chocolate bundt cake w chocolate glaze. I kissed my husband's cute face and told him I was eating 'mine' in the other room. I put the head-phones in and watched a movie on my iPad in the living room. I ate Rotiserie chicken breast, and steamed cabbage & broccoli with lemon juice & AC Vinegar. Oh, I also added some market street salsa. I call this a big win. My 28 y/o daughter who is also dieting with me talked to me later that night and asked if I 'fudged' at felt so good to say, "Not even one taste!" I know the pounds will come off. Yay!!

  2. Sandi thank you for following and congratulations on your success on your husband's birthday! What an awesome accomplishment! That must have given you such an amazing feeling! Thank you so much for sharing your experience of your own personal journey, I really appreciated reading about your success! And I loved BYU-Idaho. I've graduated but my husband is still going to school there. I'll have to do some more posts about fitness options there! Please keep me updated on how you are doing!
