Sep 17, 2015

Who is the health junky?

I started this blog for a college class.  It was a multi-media class and we had to incorporate podcasts and videos into a blog.  I decided to write about one of my favorite subjects: health and fitness.  I had been living a "fit" life for over a year.  Before then I pretty much ate whatever I wanted.  I had worked to become a "master" at counting calories and getting my workouts in.  I finally thought I had figured out the secret to getting and staying in shape.  I was set.

Or so I thought.

After getting married, and getting a job, I suddenly didn't have time to workout twice a day.  Shocker I know.  And I found myself eating on-the-go more frequently.  And before I knew it, I had gained 20 pounds in 9 months.  I didn't even realize I had been gaining weight.

So life happened.  My "healthy" life and habits weren't realistic and they stopped completely.  Life continued on and I didn't do much about living a fit life.  I figured I didn't have time and couldn't figure it out.

When I decided to take charge of my health once again I tried so many "programs".  Counting calories, gluten free, paleo, sugar free, IIFYM... just to name a few.  I became obsessed with protein powder and added it to pretty much everything I could.  PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN!  I read all about these "programs" and saw many people having success so I figured I had to find success by following their examples.

I felt frantic and I bounced from one set of rules to another thinking I was missing out on the missing key.  "Look how great that person looks doing paleo!  I have to do it too!  But wait!  That guy doing IIFYM looks amazing and he can eat ice cream!"  My thoughts drove me crazy trying to decide what the perfect lifestyle/diet was for me.  There had to be one right answer.

Over the past year I have come to realize that there isn't only one answer.  My health and fitness requirements are different from everybody else.  So I stopped worrying about if I was eating "right" or perfectly - according to someone else's standards.  I have tried many things, with success and with no success, and I have come to figure out what works for ME.  I've always had a lot of success with counting calories and IIFYM but it drives me CRAZY to log my food!  That's why I fell off the health wagon in the first place.

I have finally realized that my health journey doesn't have to follow anyone else's journey.  And it doesn't have to have a specific dietary label (paleo, gluten free etc).  I just need to stop worrying and live.  I know how to eat healthy and I also know how to enjoy a huge bowl of ice cream.  So I guess my motto is "moderation in all things" and "don't compare your story to anyone else".

It keeps me sane.
It keeps me healthy.
It doesn't require perfection.  And it is sustainable!

So I hope to share that message.  Your health journey is your own.  Find an exercise and eating plan that fit your lifestyle.  Try things out and pick and choose what works for you!  I will continue to do the same.  I love learning and I love sharing so I hope you will enjoy following as you work towards your own healthy life!

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