Jun 11, 2012

Week 2 Goal: Drink Up!

GOAL: Drink 8 glasses of 8 oz of water everyday.

Water is so so good for you.  I always have a hard time drinking enough water though.  I find keeping a water bottle with me the entire day helps me to remember to drink.  I also like to use sugar free sweeteners sometimes as well.  

It's important to drink before, during and after workouts.  Once again, having a water bottle on hand helps a lot.  I also try to have a full glass before I eat, another during my meal, and another one once I am finished.  I find that this helps me to feel more full so I don't over eat as much.  Sometimes between meals I feel "hungry" but I know I've had enough food and that really isn't the case... sometimes I just feel like snacking.  Drinking some water or your favorite low-cal drink will help you with that unsatisfied feeling.  I try to drink water most of the time and I save a diet soda or a low-cal drink for those times to get over my sweet tooth.

As for last week... I had a crazy week with my work schedule and I never made my 9:30 bedtime.  I will try again this week though.  The important thing is to not give up and to keep trying to improve each day! I'm sorry about only posting once last week, I'll do better this week!  So drink up and I'll be back soon!

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