Jun 19, 2012

Weekend Reunion

Update on last week's goal... I did have a lot of liquids but it was mostly soda or pepto since I had food poisoning or the flu.... either way, not a fun week.  I still lost a couple of pounds but that sure wasn't due to exercising.  I took the week off in order to let my body recover from whatever I had.

Looking towards this weekend I am feeling a little scared... family reunion.  You know what that means.  Lots of food.  Lots of snacks.  Lots of treats with unlimited access, and everyone telling you to let loose and eat whatever you want since it is a special occasion.  Now, I'm not opposed to having a treat here and there.... but when it is uncontrolled and unmonitored eating that it becomes a problem.

A couple of weekends ago I was at another family get together and there was junk food everywhere!  But I went into the weekend with my mind already made up.  I wasn't going to cheat, at all!  None!  Surprisingly, it was a pretty easy weekend for me.  Usually when I am faced with a large bowl of ice cream with a side of a few candy bars.... I sit and debate with myself about if I'm going to give into my craving or not and I usually give in and end up eating everything in sight!

So when I went into the weekend with my mind and will power already set it was amazing!  This weekend I will probably end up eating something delicious and very fattening.  But I'm making up my mind right now that I can indulge just a bit.  Now that doesn't mean snacking all day long, having huge meals, snacking some more and finishing the day off with a dessert buffet.  I will indulge just a bit without letting myself go crazy!

Whether you choose to not have anything or choose to just have one or two things then great!  Go for it.  Just be strong and stick to your plan!  So wish me luck, and if you want to read a little article about not cheating... see this.

I'll be reading it and I'll do my best to not gain back all the weight I've worked hard to work off!

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